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Parokki said:
Barozi said:
Parokki said:
Hmm... the way the question is phrased, I'm going to have to go with Conduit. Anyone who has played the previous Halo games has a very good idea of what ODST it like, and Killzone 2 looks pretty sure to be a slightly better Resistance 2 with less colour, but wether or not Conduit is any good is still a mystery.

I smell fail

I'm not saying it as a bad thing or anything. You can look at it this way: we know it's going to be good! Bungie know how to make good shooters, and we've certainly all played our share of them. I'm kinda interested to see how they handle turning the protagonist into "just" a regular non-cyborg supersoldier while making it possible to take on Elites, but it's not like there's a chance of the game being bad or anything, and the overall style is bound to be pretty close to the other Halo games.

Well it's an open world FPS without Masterchief and with more tactical elements. Doesn't sound like Halo to me.