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sorry but i have to booooooo... people who compare this game to super mario brothers are fooling themselves. he only reason that game did not sell more is because nintendo pushed out 2 and 3 as pack ins unless nintendo seriously pushes out an amazing game like super mario brothers 3 as the pack in for the wii and it beats out theses games I do not acknowledge nintendo topping its self, I'm fine if kart dose it, or brawl. but not wii sports, wii fit, or wii play. they belong in another category like add-ons to better games.

I will say however despite my disbelief in these games, i am glad to see so many people getting into gaming and hope the venture into nintendos better games. Nintendo has always made it easy for people to move into gaming and its good to see the old king do well.

and as for hand helds GO new super mario GO

envious psp owner

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog