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Here's what you should get, in this order. Exclusives only, because I believe you have a 360...:

1) MGS4. That goes for you too everyone who doesn't have it with their PS3 (cough Seraphic cough)
2) Uncharted. Same as above.
3) Resistance 2. Best exclusive shooter, arguably the best shooter.
4) LittleBigPlanet. It' And MM will kill me if I don't mention it.
5) Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. It's R&C, it has to be good. And it is. Second best in the series (first is the third one, Up Your Arsenal)
6) Valkyria Chronicles. Awesome game.

Other great exclusives:

-Heavenly Sword
-Resistance: Fall of Man
-Haze (lol I kid I kid)

Great PSN games:

-WipEout HD
-Some others, look around.

And finally some multiplats you may not have gotten on your X-Square-Circle (lol):


Now, somebody should make a list of 40 games to get soon, but bear mine in mind.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective