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I wet my patns at the thought of FEAR 2. COME ON WTF CAN YOU DO ALMA!!!!!

God I LOVED the first one so much. Excellent game. I have so many stories with it! GO GO Monolith, and hopefully make AVP3 soon. Considering FEAR> Killzone I dare say that KZ2 should be pushed back. I do however hope that they focused on the PC then they worried about consoles and not vice versa, and with what Gamespy jsut mentioned it might seem like it (too many things you can do in battle they said, boo-fucking-hoo, I'd much rather have that over some watered down combat).


P.S. I'm extremely hyped up for this game, been waiting for it since I finished up FEAR.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

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