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DMeisterJ said:

No matter how good the game does commercially (1.3 million sold in 8 weeks), or Critically (metacritic if 95) the game will never be seen as a success.  It's a shame too, since the game is so freaking awesome.  

This community would rather downplay the game's success, and call the game a failure because of the hype (not the game's fault), rather than look at it on it's own merits, a new IP, which sold really well on the PS3 and has that high of a metacritic average.  We'd rather look at this game as not a success, and continue playing Generic Shooter A, Madden 2020, and Traditional turned based JRPG 1,922,498, instead of praising a new IP for doing something different and what some would call innovative. 

So I am never going to defend the game again, and neither should you 

It's a success commercially, and critically, and that's all that matters.


Well...for random generic new IP A, 2m ltd+ is a big success.

For freakin' huge LBP, it's almost met expectations...but no quite.

Afterall, this was gonna be the game that changed gaming, that made other games worse by simply existing, and that would single handedly create a GotY and Sony's holiday lineup, all in one huge strike.

Unfortunately, it was Zack and Wiki with a lot more hype. Great game, if you're into that sort of thing, but most Playstation owners I know are back to World at War or MGS4 time challenges at this point. Certainly wasn't my GotY, and while the sales were great, you have to add the conditions "for a new IP" and "that is a PS3 exclusive" to that statement.

Critically it performed quite well...but didn't we expect that? Wasn't all your hype paid for with the expectations that the game only met, but didn't exceed? Also, honestly, isn't the game just a tad over-rated, when you look at the company it shares on gamerankings? Fanboyism aside here, what happened to the game is a travesty, but I warned you all when you hyped it up so much, that it had no where to go but down, and down it went.

You ever wanna hype a game like that again, you better be damn sure that it'll part water when it's released, or you should hang it up.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.