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Neoraf said:
tombi123 said:
Neoraf said:

So let's wait for the American sale figures (no LBP bundle).
You'll have your answer.


NA sales: 

Last Week 44K 

This Week 61K 


lol... I guess you're new, otherwise I'm worried for you.

NA sales:
Gears of War2:

Last Week 119K
This Week 158K


It's called a Holiday Boost.
Every major game is selling stronger approaching Chrismas.

Now you know, kid.


First of all Tmbi is a far more popualer and older poster then you ;) Wait... who are you? :P


But again, you cant compare the sales of a sequel to one of the most hyped shooter of this gen to the sales of a brand new "create your game" IP... thats just stupid. And seeing that LBP will have no issues passing the 3 million... I say it has some great sales. I was expecting max 1 million maybe 2 with bundles, but now I see that my predicition was far to low ;)


If you would want to compare sales with a similar " kiddie" game thats on the 360 maybe you shoiuld look at Nuts and Bolts... owned enough? :P


Edit: rise in % doesnt counts when the overall sold numbers speek for tehmselves which game is more successfull ;) So no, when a game barely has a chance at 600k and another has a clear shot to pass the 3 million... which one is more successfull? :P

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