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Mummelmann said:
I'm not sure that GTA can be responsible for the success of the PS2, with the most sold GTA game being what, 6-7 million units?
The sole reason for the PS2's success is the success and initial shock of Playstation. They invented 3D console gaming and had a multitude of fantastic franchises that were sure to surface on the PS2 as well.
MGS, FF, GT, RE, TR, RR, Tekken and a bunch of others made up the most solid spine of any gaming platform ever, so it's a no brainer that people were anticipating the sequels and the follow up to the Playstation.

As for Nintendo; they always did go their own way, and I respect that. But they have a tendency to refuse to embrace technology, and this will harm them over time as people become more and more enveloped in technology in their daily lives. As they expect their stereo's, tv's and other appliances to deliver modern and sharply, they will also demand and expect consoles and PC's to do the same.
The Wii is a stroke of genious right now, but I can't see it lasting (no I don't hate ninty, I grew up with them and own a NES, SNES and a 64...).
People say that PS3 has no chance because numbers are low, and they clearly expect the Wii to sell as good or even better than it does now for years to come. That's slightly unrealistic imo.
Rememeber at the Wii and PS3 launch when the whole world (practically) said that the 360 was sure to win simply because it had sold the most at the time?

 Woah... did you say invented 3d console gaming????  LOL they might have made their console 3d by default but by no means was it the first 3d console.  The SNES had the first 3d console game followed by the Genesis.  In fact the first 3d game still holds up really well and didn't even require an analog stick to control.  Also Nintendo was the top dog for a long while with their technology lead.  The N64 was a beast that never got it's fair chance.  I don't think cartridges were Nintendo's failing, I think Nintendo expected cartridge sizes to grow faster then they did during the SNES era.  Cartridges offered huge bandwidth gains over CD's.  If Nintendo had realized that cartridge size would hold the N64 back more then bandwidth they may have made a different choice.  

As for the PS3, the price is only one barrier to overcome, as many other's have stated countless times.  The biggest problem for a console like the PS3 is future growth.  If developers give up on the PS3 due to the Wii's immence lead, there will be no way that the PS3 can turn things around for itself.  We're starting to see developers talk out against the PS3 and even Sony talking out against Dev's.  That's not a good sign...  it shows that the problems are much deeper then you can see on the surface.  

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.