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FaRmLaNd said:
I think they'd make a console exclusive game designed for consoles. Their current lineup of games are far to fast paced to be properly played on a console (except for maybe the wii). I truly think they'd design something thats catered specifically for the format and not port one of their pc games. They did that in the past and it wasn't very successful. I doubt they'll take that road again. Whether said games use an existing ip or a new one is anyones guess.

I'd be excited to see the results.


Sadly, not a single game they have ever made could even begin to be on a console, much less "properly played" on one. In fact of the 3 consoles, the Wii would be the ONLY one which would be able to control them, albeit quite poorly. Also the fact that they do not focus on graphics at all, but on things that actually matter and are worth the money, means they would probably be doing Wii games, not Xbox/Playstation games.

Edit: Minor extra word that made no sense at all.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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