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The Fury said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
The Fury said:
Just because it is easier, doesn't mean you should develop it. Pushing yourself helps you develop as a person (in this case company). If they don't learn how to create a decent PS3 game, what happens next gen when the next X-box is as complicated if not more then the PS3?

Devs have had 2 years to get to know the PS3 hardware. People will always have their opinions. Doesn't mean they wont develop if it helps business. The PS3 will get plenty of great looking games. The point was that with the 360 to pump out the same graphics as most PS3 games can be done on the 360 faster and cheaper. The difference is the superiority of the PS3's space department.

Wasn't my point, they could develop for the Wii or PS3. Doesn't matter. If you company is not pushing themselves then you will never grow as a company.

I mean, why bother with this new generation when SquEnix could probably make a game for the PS2 easier then anything and sell more copies then any game they release for the 360 or PS3?

Then end result though to me is an excuse to why their games are on the 360 that have sold 1/4 of a million and not 1/2 million like they would on the PS3, just because of Japan.


It's called taking what you can get. SE could've taken the easy route and gone with the Wii, but they chose to stay HD. The PS3 will continue to get its praise if thats all your worried about.