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papflesje said:
goddog said:
it would for the first month or so and by a good margine.... after that, the new standard level wil be interesting...

I expect the 360 to have some sort of reduction next year around october either a real price drop, or elimination of the arcade and pro lowering to 199.

the more important thing is when sony drops the price, and i am starting to think the best time to do it will be right after the 360 does theirs it needs to be a week or two latter... this would carry the price drop through the holidays, and have a larger over all effect for the year.


Their best strategy for that (if they can afford it, which I doubt) is a price cut in february-march, and another one right after MS does theirs (both with 50$ for example?).

though that ould be optimal, im doubting they will do that as it would kill financially. In holding off until the 360 drops (or if the 360 does not) a late october or so, Sony could see revenue gain and profits for 1 maybe 2 quarters. thus giving a price drop, and a slight loss in the drop quarter less of a sting 


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minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog