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Insomniac are second party developers. What this means is that they only make games for Sony consoles. Sony feels no need to buy them, because it would cost them money, Insomniac feels no need to be bought, because this way they get more freedom.

Media Molecule have only made one game for PS3, with another scheduled for PSP, so SO FAR, they are second party developers. If they made, say, a fighting game exclusive to 360 or Wii or even a PS360 multiplat, they would become third party, but Sony would still own LittleBigPlanet.

Is that right?

EDIT: Level 5 has made games on many platforms, so they are third party developers. Bungie are Microsoft's second party because they have no games scheduled that are not on 360/PC. Right?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective