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CAL4M1TY said:
DMeisterJ said:
Home is nothing like Second life.


I think you must have missed out on Sony's press conferences then, HOME is designed to be a 3D world where people can interact with each other all over the world (which is basically what second life is). Sure, what you do in this world may be different then second life, but you devote your life to one or the other (similarly to how people play WoW but wouldn't touch other MMORPG's).


I never thought about HOME being a cash cow through advertising, it may not be all bad news for Sony afterall (I'm in the "HOME is a waste of R&D" camp). I'd be interested to see how inventive advertising could be, but if it's just trailers (which can be more easily and simply downloaded from a website) or demo's (which have always been around) then it will fail hard, but if it's something more imaginative, then this can only mean good things for the PS3.


Red Bull already made their own space in Home, like the spaces we have seen for Uncharted and Far Cry 2. I doubt all advertisers are going to do something like that, but if I thought the area was fun to hang around in, I would definetly be more opt to drink Red Bull (as I don't usually care for energy drinks at all).