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Well yeah , this nice Capcom employee wrote me back , after sending him 2 letters the flowing : ,,Thank you Kaiser. I will forward your petition directly to the Production team on Resident Evil in Osaka . Regards, Nique" Than , I sent him back a latter , saying thanks , and he responded me again : ,,By the way, for some reason your initial email went to my spam folder. You will not likely receive a formal reply in the short-term. As we plan for future games the team will definitely consider the fans and specifically your petition. It does have impact. Keep me updated on the number of signatures. If you get over 10,000 that will draw significant attention. Regards, Nique" Inetersting , so it seems , to get some chance for a game development , youl need 10,000 signatures . Unfortunatly the numbers are only 1700 , mainly because I only aimed 1000 , and stoped talking about it afther . ( If you dont know what Im talking about : 3 weeks ago , some of us started a petition , for a Resident Evil game for the PSP . The petition was pretty sucsessfull , earning 1200 signatures in less than 40 hours . If you want to sign it , check this link :

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!