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1. Zelda II: The Adventures of Link - Could get to the last palace, but then someone would turn off the nintendo without hitting reset. The only way i ever beat the game was to use a gamegenie to get to the boss before shadow link and then stop using the codes.

2. TMNT II: Played it for years and i never really got that far as i kept on getting run over by the tank in the overworld, or whatever.

3. Castelvania 1 & 2: Never could figure out what to do, the game itself wasn't too hard though.

4 . Adventuers of Lolo 1,2&3 - Incredibly hard puzzle games. I can beat most of them, but the final 10 or so levels are way to hard.

5. Maniac Mansion - Imposible to figure out what they really want you to do with the items. I always ran out of time.

Other than that I think i've beat every game i've played, and a handful of them are even on some of your lists.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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