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I think God of War II is being undertracked, I read on IGN that it outsold the original.

It's looking more likely that Gran Turismo 5 will release in 2009, that will decimate God of War III in sales.

Final Fantasy XIII is from a much larger series, that will outsell God of War III.

So I'm going to say it will be third:

1) Gran Turismo 5 - 2.4 million opening week WW
2) Final Fantasy XIII - 1.7 million opening week WW
3) God of War III - 1.2 million opening week WW
4) Killzone 2 - 900k opening week WW
5) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3 Version only) - 800k opening week WW.

Bold predictions, I know.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective