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It is an amazing RPG in its own right. WOTLK has to be one of the best expansions made by Blizzard, rivaling even LoD for D2. The locales are absolutely amazing and jaw dropping, and some of the music really stands out to the player.

Without a doubt though, the best part of the game are the quests. Gone are the days where you are some nooob at level 1, or 70, now it's all about you being the all powerful hero you have stived to be. You take on dragons by yourself, help topple fortresses, and single-handedly turn the fight against the Scourage in the living's favor. There is also lore, and lots of it too. I completely enjoyed walking in with Arthas and Muradin and watching Arthas acquire Frostmourne, or helping him in the Culling of Stratholme.

Sadly, the raid content is kind of lacking, however I never liked raiding, I always saw it as a necessary evil. The good news is that the 5 man instances are absolutely phenomenal. Blizzard has put all their knowledge into making these 5 man instances and the heroics are absolutely jaw dropping. The encounters they have created are just as intricate and in depth as raids, some are even more intricate than that, and they always present a group with a challenge, even when we're completely epiced out already. I really hope Blizzard adds 3 5-mans for every new raid instance they make, however something tells me this won't be the case.

In closing comments, if you have ever played WoW and enjoyed it, then you will definitely love this expansion, it's Blizzard at their finest. You don't even have to be in a big guild, I left my "awesome 1337" guild 3 days before WOTLK and made a guild for just a few peeps, and I have absolutely no problem experiencing any of the content Blizzard has provided for me.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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