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Also known as IGN AU's attempt to get traffic #958054758034759. Prepare to be amused.

10) Resistance 2 (good so far) 9.3
9) Metal Gear Solid 4 (what the hell? 9th?) 9.5
8) Braid (O RLY) Not rated
7) LBP (sure) 9.2
6) Fable II (fair enough) 9.2
5) Mirror's Edge (I'm not making this up, I swear. 5th. Above MGS4. Above R2. Above LBP. Above Fable II) 8.5
4) Dead Space (4th?) 8.8
3) Left 4 Dead (okay) 9.2
2) Fallout 3 (an opinion shared by many) 9.5

1) Take a wild guess. That's right, GTA4! 9.8

IGN AU are pathetic. Really, really, really pathetic.

They might as well travel to the top of a mountain and yell "WE HATE SONY AND NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!! HELL, WE HATE MICROSOFT TOO! PLEASE VISIT US!"


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective