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Comrade Tovya said:
goddog said:
there has been work on a standard dvd that holds 20 gig one side. but i expect downloads/ suplemented by dvd/blueray but only if blueray catches on by 2011

also when did the dvd player in the 360 start sucking i was unaware of this after watching hundreds of movies.


I think it plays movies movies very poorly when compared to every other regular DVD player, upconverting DVD player, HD DVD player, or Blu-ray player that I own or have watched movies on.... too fuzzy for me to enjoy.


Ive never had a problem with fuzzyness. and have used all those except ps3 to play... mine out puts quite sharp on all three tvs i use  sony 42 inch hd, aquas 60, and philips 47. 

though im a trained graphic designer, i have a concetration in media arts, and know quite a bit about video quality and have the eye for it. so either you have a defective unit, there are multiple hardware suppliers for the upscale converter some better then others for the 360, or your full of it. 

the best quality i got for dvds was computer out put through a quicktime codec upscaling to 720p (old computer could not push 1080p in realtime)

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog