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I just have to clear up the PS3's lineup. Killzone 2 is NOT the only game.

-Killzone 2
-Fat Princess (if you include DLC, I can include PSN, right?)
-The Agency


-Halo Wars
-Ninja Blade (if you must include it, it's like including Lair in a PS3 2007 lineup)
-GTA4 Lost and Damned (which is apparently a game now)
-Star Ocean 4.

Basically, it's a tie, it depends on your gaming tastes etc. etc. etc.

You never know, both platforms could have titles now TBA 2009 which could become Q1. Hell, maybe Uncharted 2 can make it out in Q1. I know, not happening.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective