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The Ghost of RubangB said:
When I was 16 or 17 I had a party at my house and invited 50 or so people, and somehow 200+ showed up. But they didn't trash the place. We just partied really hard and I cleaned it all up before my parents got home and they never found out.

One time though, a hundred strangers showed up at another party I had and they were total dicks. The cops showed up after a noise complaint and asked me what was going on, and I just said "Me and 10 friends are trying to have a small birthday party and all these assholes crashed it. Can you help me get rid of them?" The cop was happy to help, and we got rid of everybody except the 30 people I hid in my bedroom, and then we got back to a respectable-sized party.

I would never put my address on a party invitation on the internet though. That's just asking for trouble. If I was organizing a VGC party I'd have it at a Chuck E Cheese or something similar by my house so everybody could come, and then if it were small enough, maybe move it back to my house later with a ton of booze. And weapons for the brawling on the roof.


4chan's anon would rip the place to pieces.