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I'm glad you're reasonable(sarcasm) I mean you still fail to mention how good Chocobo Dungeon is and how good CC is now... but call it afterthought crap... so tell me all knowing and all seeing Nintendo game god do you even play these games you say are crap? Really? I highly doubt it... I highly doubt you play any Wii games as all you seem to do is complain about everything... go buy a PS3 and quit bitching, my God if the grass is so much greener on the other side none of us would mind if you just hopped the fence cause we'd rather have our discussions without you shitting on the whole thread with your trolling...

SE didn't have many great games on PS2, you have Star ocean and DQ8, FFX sucked, FFX-2 sucked, FFXI sucked, and FFXII was good but had some annoying parts and a lack of a good story.

Also you ask for main franchises but ask for them soon, if you knew anything about SE you should know it takes them years to release their main franchises, but what Wii has gotten was good spin offs like their WW title and Chocobo Dungeon and your only defense is a crappy SE game that only came out in Japan that no one cares about except for you cause you need some kind of evidence to prove your point which really doesn't prove shit.

So again I say if you really don't like what's coming out on the Wii just buy a PS3 or 360 none of us would mind if you stopped posting in the Nintendo forums all together.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000