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I would love for you to provide any shred of evidence to prove your claims, really, all you do is SE hates Wii cause I say so, I have no say in the company or the ability to read minds but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it's true.

Claiming all of this while not showing any proof and ignoring facts shown to you or hell even the trends between DS and Wii, What did DS get at first from SE? Final Fantasy Chocobo Tales? Dragon Quest Rocket Slime? What does it have now? Final Fantasy 3 totally remade and brought to the US finally, a retranslated and remade Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles RoF, Dragon Quest IX, and a retranslated and improved Chrono Trigger with strong hints of a new one coming out.

SE doesn't hate Nintendo they're a business, PS3 gave them support so SE would show off what a PS3 game should look like with the FF7 tech demo on PS3, they had the tech and the fans demand for a new FF game so here comes FFXIII, the console is not viable to have an exclusive game on now cause of how much money is invested into it ala FFXIII on 360, MS did pay for some exclusives to increase their Japan support that is all... and has worked up to a point.

SE is supporting Nintendo and will support the Wii, Dragon Quest is a main series a huge one in fact, they came out with Swords to do something unique on Wii, it didn't work out as great as they hoped but it was decent, they come out with Final Fantasy Chocobo Tales is an actual fun and good game. Then you get a WW game that is good, a new CC game with DS connectivity support as well as online play, with FFCC:tCB coming out with a full two year development cycle already behind it.

Sorry but FFCC is as much of a main franchise as FF tactics and tactics eventually made it into a full FF game ala FFXII, and you're insane if you think Dragon Quest isn't a main series. So yes they've thrown support the Wii's way of their own free will much like the DS and they're not stupid they're a business they're going to support the Wii in the future no matter how much hate you want to spew.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000