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Phrancheyez said:
I still disagree. I agree with your reasoning, but Sony is synonymous with quality. That would be like expecting them to release an arcade PS3, or a cheap crappy HDTV - it's not going to happen. I stand by their philosophy - quality over quantity. Even when it comes to games.


at least in my experience sony abandoned quality sometime around 2002. I had 2 flat trinitron tvs fail with in six months (the first one i took back and swapped the second one i took back and got my money back) I have had one sony computer battery warp and destroy a laptop (there was a recall latter, but a lot of good that did me). I dont hold ps2s dying against them as all consoles suffer that fae if you play them long enough (drive burnt out knows all makers). had a in dash cd player die too (the whole thing fired no radio no nothing)... ate the cd 


this series of events really ercked me as i had bought and used for years several sony products... the only one out side of the ps2&psp i still use is a digital surround system receiver which has worked very well for me since i bought it in 2001.

and honestly as far as hdtvs, and lcds go samsung is ahead of them. you can get very nice units for much less then either of them too Ive been very happy with my 47" phillips, and was sad to hear they were leaving the north american market as i had planned on buying a second from them

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog