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Phrancheyez said:
ymeaga1n said:
halogamer1989 said:
So much for trying... End user generated content would be a GIANT boost to Sony's platform and PSN as a whole.

I agree. I think XNA is amazing idea. Hopefully it will need to some more quality XBLA games.


I *strongly* disagree.  XNA is nice because it gives the inexperienced developer the tools and platform to try and see what they can do.  As a result, you get a ton of crappy games being released with your occasional diamond in the rough.

PSN *requires* you have past game developing experience and proof of before they'll even talk to you.  I know, I tried to get their dev tools.  As a result, the lowly developer doesn't get a chance on the PS3, but you also get on average much higher quality games.

The way both platforms work is great; I'm not saying one is better than the other.  It's nice that MS lets the little guy do those things, but it's also nice with the PS3 because I'm a lot more confident in the quality of PSN games.

I'm currently using XNA, and tried to get Sony's dev tools and couldn't due to the reasons I stated above.  All it means to me is that if I can get Sony to allow me to develop for the PSN at some point, it will feel like I'm moving up the food chain.  It wouldn't make me stop using XNA, but Sony allows you to do a lot more.

I would be very upset if Sony did this.  VERY upset.


so your cool with killing the development of future developers in your platform. you dont have to publish any game made, they could test them, or heck even distribute them for free paying the developer off of a % of ad based revenue from distribution, or some other scheme ...

any time you cut developers out you are hurting yourself. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog