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Alright, great news everyone. Naznatips tells me that it is possible to gift to someone outside your country, if you toy with a few settings. I'll let him speak for himself.

"It's not possible outside of region. So anyone in the North America region can gift to each other, anyone in the PAL region can gift to each other.

To do so the person giving the gift need to switch their console's country to the country fo the person recieving the gift. To figure out what people you can trade to simply go in and look at the countries you can set your Wii to. That will tell you who is in that region."

As an added bonus, you can hold onto your Wii points when you change.

This makes things a little easier. I'll be PM-ing a few of you for help to see what the limitations for each region are, but now you don't have to worry as much about being the only person from your country participating.