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famousringo said:
Nah, Nintendo has always had a good share of core gamers. It was the casual crowd who flocked to the Playstation one and two. Nintendo's focus on clawing those users back (plus a healthy dose of completely new users) has just left some of their core crowd feeling like a forgotten older child, so they act out to try to get attention.

While I'm with you on this one, I do think quite a few traditional gamers (mostly the snobcore) definitely "abandoned" Nintendo even before the Wii. "Nintendo is kiddy" and the like was the old charge that was levelled against Nintendo before it became a "casual sellout." And I do think the shift started with the N64, perhaps because its relative dearth of game compared to the PlayStation, and became exacerbated with the Gamecube.

The problem I have with my own train of thought is that Sega was much worse than Nintendo in terms of publisher support during the Saturn and Dreamcast days, yet they seem to get a pass. In short, I'm not entirely sure why the snobcore abandoned Nintendo after the SNES, but I'm fairly certain that they did.