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DMeisterJ said:
It's an average shooter, but since the Wii doesn't have many shooters, it's seen as above average.

I'm sure some people are still waiting for this title.


Tell me what makes it average since you stated what you said as fact, you put no substance to that post, and technically that's against the rules.  So I ask what makes it average?  Fighting aliens? Shooting guns?  Cause the graphics aren't good enough?  Really those are the only things you could take from the videos and info on the game which if that makes it average then 90% of the AAA shooters are average as well... I'm looking at your Gears, your Halo, your Resistance, and your Killzone... so really what makes it a fact that it's average?  It sure isn't the controls that no other console could ever have... 

I know a lot of people make this point but DMJ you've been around long enough to not state things you don't know as fact man you can only take it for what you see and whats there is actually really nice, sure aliens aren't new but they haven't been for over 10 years man... at least this story has more government conspiracy deal going on which is really interesting then some over powered super soldier that all stereotypically acts the same...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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