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Gnizmo said:
What the hell I'm in. I will edit this sometime tonight or tomorrow to include my Wii code. I would like to suggest though that if it doesn't add too much over head to add a list of favorite genres to the list as well. This way everyone gets a better chance at getting a game they love without asking for anything specfific. If it does add too much over head I can offer my services in sorting it out starting around Friday of next week or possibly a day earlier.

Country: USA
Controller type: Gamecube, Classic, and Nunchick.

Organization won't be a problem, so if folks want to do that that's cool with me. The reason I left it off was because I figured it'd be more fun for the Santas to try and figure out a person's tastes based on their gaming catalogue and posts, rather than having someone throw it out there bluntly. Plus, this way you're more likely to get a gift that's outside your usual tastes, thereby expanding your gaming horizons a bit.

But if you don't want to chance it, feel free to include a list of preferred genres, and I'll add them to the PM I send to Santa.