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stof said:
So is the fact that it's stickied on VGchartz part of the problem? The people here are interested in it. They want a good FPS on the Wii that isn't set in World War 2. Why not Monster Hunter? Because it's primarily a Japanese interest game? Because it just hasn't been stickied?

Your original post states "is it even worth the wait?" and then says "Im just posting this for anyone who still expecting much of this title, the 3rd party quality titles already proven, Monster Hunter 3, fragile, House of the Dead Overkill, marvelous titles, Skate it, Shaun White snowboarding, De Blob, Deadly Creatures, etc... so whats HVS tries to prove?"

What does good third party games have to do with interest in the Conduit? What is HVS trying to prove? They're trying to prove they're developing a game called the Conduit?

Yes, there are other FPS's. Quantum of Solace is getting piss poor reviews, Call of Duty Wii has just come out, and despite not having much sales front end, we have no idea where it'll go (not to mention it's monster sales on the HD consoles have a lot to do with the success of CoD 4 on those same consoles). But again, what does that have to do with interest in the Conduit (which has that awesome gun where you can guide the ammo after you shoot it... That looks like a lot of fun!).

No one is saying it will be the Wii's first quality game or hardcore title. It's just a game that has a lot of appeal because of it's graphics, genre, controls and non WW2 setting (and lots of other tidbits we've heard about it)

I think it will be a great game. If it isn't a great game then yes, a lot of people will be disappointed.


You hit the nail on the head as always stof (as always) the thread should have ended here IMO, but yes this game is about showing what the Wii FPS should be, and showing that developers can put work into a Wii game.  A lot of people on this site is interested in The Conduit because it should be a blast online with being the first Wii FPS to use WM+ and Wii Speak as well as being a non WWII shooter.  CoD:WaW is the Wii FPS standard at the moment and while it is as big of a blast to play as CoD4 it lacks the modes and options a lot of fans want, CoD is the king at the moment but the Conduit has a lot of promise.  I don't see how anyone could call it generic after seeing the videos of it though, there's not much generic about it, it's got a unique story, creative guns and control, and has things no other Wii game will have like LAN support.  The only thing generic about the title is aliens are used a lot in FPS these days but really the only people to fight are other people (usually involving a world war setting though it could finally change to WWIII and have a more modern feel for a change) or fight a bunch of alien guys...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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