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yushire said:
SO... is that a xbox game or what? For a game that as hyped as Halo and Gears it sure looks like a xbox game. Or Im wrong and you cant do that graphics in a xbox...

So how different is that graphics from COD WAW and Quantum of Soalce on the Wii?

I didnt include some xbox games there so what The conduit thinks the engine and the graphics is special? And guess what Activision didnt even try on Qos and COD WAW. So how do you think this graphics was special?

Simply because HVS do what developers must do in a average Wii game and not a shoddy port doesnt mean we have to hype this game as the best graphics or awesome game on the Wii. If you want to see that kind of graphics why not buy a xbox game?

Like I said, this is as hyped as Halo and gears or even Killzone 2 if Wii games are concerned. And its HVS are doing the hype. If HVS wants to hype this game as it already is they should make the game as fan's expectation and not just a average xbox game. I think they should learn tips from Factor 5, they're doing a GC game just as like as xbox 360 games. Now thats what I called awesome graphics...

See this is the problem. You're not talking about what the game will be, you're talking about your idea of what public perception is and how people think of it. Here's a tip. If you're going to tell us what everyone is thinking, don't. It'll probably be wrong. Of course there's interest in the game for the reasons we've all been telling you. It's a good looking game in a genre that the Wii allows great control in but has very few quality titles so far.


But as far as I can tell from this thread, you've decided that we're all expecting game of the year. For graphics, you said people will be disappointed. I responded that the people that like its graphics have already seen all the videos and like what they've seen, so why would they suddenly be disappointed when it comes out. Your rebuttal is that you don't think it looks good... What does that have to do with the people here that like how it looks?

This last paragraph doesn't even make sense. They're making a game, they're promoting their game, what they've done so far has attracted attention for what it is, not what you think people think it's going to be.



I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.