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DMeisterJ said:
Lookie here music.

I only bring fun and games into threads. But I also must bring truth. Which is the fact that I am so much better than you at KZ2. I'm sorry you don't like to see the truth but there it is. Now you can accept that, and go on living your same obese life sexing fat goth chicks, or you can try to change that. Maybe run on the treadmill, walk up the stairs, lose some weight, date no-boob Alessandra chick, and get better at KZ2.

The decision is yours, but don't you ever, EVER say I don't bring fun and games into threads, or I'll... I'll... I'll close down the McDonalds you live over. Yeah, that's it. Fattie. >_>

This is a fun thread.

Damn DMJ that's harsh but a harsh truth I might add.  You should take pics of destroying MM at KZ2.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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