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Euphoria14 said:
goddog said:
if you buy cards, it will be pushed back, in account managment, there should be options for yearly/monthly. another option is to call your CC company to block the charge. ive never canceled one, so i cant help you there


From what I read in this thread if I block the charge won't MS just ban my silver account when my Gold expires?

This is incredibly unfair and bullshit. When someone calls to cancel and company should not lie, tell them they cancelled it and wait to see if the person is dumb enough to not check later on.

I really want to enjoy LIVE while I have it and make my decision at the end of the month on whether I should keep it or not, but these kind of tactics are pushing me away.


my brothers silver account was not banned, but they did make him pay for a month extra when he renewed gold.... that was 2 years ago


edit, really i dont know why anyone does monthly, it cost more, and 12 month+ cards can be found cheaper then even the year xbox renewal I think they actually have a card on file for me that expired 3 years ago, but i renew threw cards, and add points that way too.... 

been a live member since day 1 first game i played was mechassult, fallowed by ghost recon 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog