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this idea is not even original, ive seen at least 3 or 4 versions of this, all of them basically blasting men for not growing up. wow original. On top of that they are normally followed by the argument that men are hurting our advancement as a culture, and society by pushing off marriage, and raising a family. they normally tie this in with the declining college graduate rates of men, and the men that do finish college are less likely to marry then ever before. their conclusion is men need to grow up and take it, give up what they enjoy and become adults. or adults in the view as the people writing these studies would like to see

I want to know what benefit is it to me to do any of those things?

right now out of college i own a condo, have a new car make money so i can buy most of the things i want, and travel for holidays, even overseas if i plan it right. I can date at my leisure or find one night stands if i wish.

Marriage has destroyed more lives of people i know then anything... the men are generally economically and emotional wrecks for years, the women are not the same people they once were. the children disillusioned.
and speaking of children, i know they can be wonderful (my youngest sister is 4 right now, im 24). children are a tremendous burden, economically and emotionally, lots of people are not ready to put children before themselves. why should we as a society put pressure on them too?

i could go on, but i am trying to watch some football

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog