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are all the same person.  GASP!!!

I'm being forced to pick a name and chose this one.

I was trying to convert to AKA by slowly posting on these names because I missed my old account but I decided to take this name.

LOL MATURE was a name I used to appeal a ban on pooperscooper and it got unbanned during the mass unbanning that occurred. So I decided to pick up on that name....

Before LOL MATURE I used I perdict. I just made that one to bet in the prediction league during HAZE's launch. I found it humorous while I was severely bored. But then mr stickball perma banned that account saying not to mess with the league and ruined my fun. (It also got unbanned during the mass unbanning)

Well, I got very tired of people going "Oh hahaha you have red money so we shouldn't listen to you" so I made this name. While I was posting one day I searched for my old name and saw that It was unbanned... so yeah... I started using it. Oh yeah and another reason I stopped LOL MATURE was because I forgot it's password so every time I logged off I'd always have to type in this awkward password I never remembered since I had to use the "retrieve password" feature and you can't change it back to a normal one afterwards

For the trophy league when I joined I said "I didn't want random invites so put me under anonymous" was actually because my PSN ID is the same as my screen name which some mods might have recognized. (PSN ID Phillip_Cat)

So... yeah... Strategy King you were right when you accused LOL MATURE of being pooper.

Oh yeah and when someone said "LOL MATURE is one of psrocks goons" I said "I think it's the other way around" because people always said pooperscooper had a bunch of "cronies"

Starcraft - When I said "I was an old poster who forgot my password" this is why. and when I said "I know you had gamerankings in your sig up until recently for a fact" it's because on LOL MATURE I made a thread calling out the inaccuracies of quoting gamerankings in a sig... then it changed to metacritic.

Darth - You have a challenger for post weekly sales data again (Or anyone else who does this)

Come on guys... this shouldn't be a surprise I left clues all the time. (Look at my avatar and look at pooperscoopers pictures.)

Phew... feels good to let that out. Anyone else want to confess to anything? It will make you feel better. (Like who's really Wii Forever)