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I didn't know it was early 2007.

EDIT: Sigh. It's Sony's fault they destroyed a company that wasn't doing well? Nobody bought it for the DVD playback, they bought it for the games. They're a bad company for selling 120 million units while the Dreamcast sold 10 million? No, they're actually a very good company for having the talent to do that.

Yes, they have copied Nintendo, but they copied and improved. They improved single analog to Dual Analog. They improved two face buttons on the GBA to four on the PSP. Microsoft has copied as much as, if not more than, Sony.

Certainly, Nintendo is the most innovative, the one that comes up with the ideas.

Sony takes those ideas, tweaks and improved them.

And that really wasn't that long.

White Knight Chronicles and FF13 are both JRPGs, yes?

Just the mention of the grill makes me think this is a joke thread. If it is, it isn't funny.

Also, Sony were the first to put the analog stick they 'stole' onto a portable console.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective