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1) It has to feature Demond and Altair. The story really got good towards the end, and then they went and cliffhangered.

2) Fix the combat. Please, no more square-mashing. Please.

3) French Revolution sounds odd, considering THIS IS STILL ALTAIR... OR IS IT? Maybe one of his descendants, continuing the search for the pieces of Eden.

4) Altair needs to swim.

5) They need more variety. No more pickpocket, interrogate, eavesdrop, hide, stab (x8), please.

Ubisoft are great developers, but their game quality has been dropping recently: AC, GRAW2, RSV, Double Agent. None of them are bad, but nowhere near their earlier work, like the old Rainbow Six games or Chaos Theory.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective