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Sevengen said:
it's a shame no one here has taken the time to answer you. speaks volumes about the depth of a fanboy: they can rant for hours on end about which system they think is better, but ask them WHY they rant and they respond like the people above...with nothing.
Here it is in a nutshell.
...PS2 conquers the world
...millions of people jump on board because it great to align yourself with what's best.
...MS releases the xbox, a technical monster compared the PS2, and begins to develop a loyal user base because of their innovation and hardcore gamer values.
...Sony feels threatened, rightfully so, as do all of their loyal subjects who refuse to admit that there's something better, or at least, a respectable alternative to all things playstation.
...MS releases the successor the xbox, beating Sony to the punch and further encroaching on Sony's marketshare, Sony reponds with arrogance, apathy and subversive media releases to try and undermine any gains MS might make. Sony's diehard fans follow suit, for apparently no logical reason. MS fans strike back and the forum wars truly begin.
...Sony, fearing the marketshare encroachment of MS, overcomensates and designs an awesome machine that's unfortunately priced out and above what 'gamers' are capable of paying, initial sales don't exactly take off and the system is complex to develop for, limiting the smooth release of revenue making games.
...MS fans take notice and let Sony fans know about it.
...Sony fans, not to be outdone, tell MS fans they're full of it and continue keeping the faith and chocking down the hard to swallow promises of Sony Corp.
....MS fans enjoy great games, great online, full featured amenities through MS's Live service, and once again, let Sony fans know about.
...The true Sony diehards, still with no logical reason to be so, keep the forum wars going ad nauseum because they have no choice. They've made their bed so to speak, and 'aint goin nowhere.
...All that and the simple fact that's it's very human to choose something and defend the choice you've made. Some people miss the part where they have other things to choose from and decide stick it out with what they've got.
...As silly as it is, it the forum wars between the 360 and PS3 are just a way for people to feel good about what they picked, it's really more about them defending themselves than it is their defending their system. Honestly, it could be about anything: boxers vs briefs, dogs vs. cats, leg man vs. boob man... doesn't really matter.

Big Nutshell.

I took the time to answer him. I think other people didn't because they are sick of these and have answered them several times.

*Eats popcorn*

Anyway, here's a more detailed summary.

-Nintendo rules the world

-Sony comes along

-Sony rules the world (with the PS1)

-Sony rules the world AGAIN (with the PS2)

-Microsoft decides it needs to expand

-Xbox released

-Sony mildly worried

-GameCube released!

-PS2 outsells Xbox by 95 million units

-PS2 outsells GameCube by 100 million units

-Sony laughs

-Nintendo slips away quietly

-Sony becomes arrogant

-Sony releases a 600 dollar system that somehow sells (badly)

-Microsoft laughs

-Nintendo make a 250 dollar system that proceeds to destroy both of the other consoles

-Microsoft and Sony cry, then move on.

-Microsoft fanboys regard PS3 as the biggest disaster in history, saying 'it has no gamez!!!!11one' two months into the release, and begin to make PS3-bashing songs/stories/grills.

-'PS3 is doomed' threads

-Sony cuts the price of the PS3

-360 gets owned for 37 weeks in a row.

-Sony laughs again

-'360 is doomed' threads

-360 gets price cut

-PS3 gets owned 10 weeks in a row

-Microsoft laughs again

-more 'PS3 is doomed' threads with the occasional 'STOP MAKING "PS3 IS DOOMED" THREADS!' threads.

And that's where we are now.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective