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MaxwellGT2000 said:
bbsin said:
Gnizmo said:
Phrancheyez said:
Upon reading this thread, I feel violated...GOW III is bad? Don't touch me there...Gran Turismo has always sucked? BLOODY MURDER AHHHHH!

 Well, to be fair, God of War and God of War 2 also sucked so you can't expect the third to turn the franchise around. I will never understand how people can really enjoy that series.


Great level design, good story, well crafted gameplay, and fantastic art style? The only flaws the series has had is shallow combat (compared to "cream of the crop" hardcore action titles) and the length/replay value.


Fixed that for you =P I gotta say it has one of the worst stories ever made IMO and I love reading old roman and greek mythology, there was always more style to stories in real greek and roman text, the God of War story could be summed up in "I'm an angry bald man who killed my own family so I blame Aries for it instead of my own stupidity"

And yeah the level design, gameplay, and art style is nothing special, probably the one thing I enjoy is the trend it started in action games where you have to press certain buttons at times to kill enemies/bosses I rather like that as most action games have gotten way too easy without it.

MGS1's story can be summed up by "I'm a secret agent who wants to kill my twin's evil doom robot"

Gears of War's story can be summed up by "Look, aliens! Kill them!"

Tools of Destruction's story can be summed up by "I'm a catlike thing who needs to know about his past. Oh and I think I'll kill another megalomaniac supervillain on the way"

You can do that with any game.

The level design is brilliant. All of the levels look genuinely different (even in GoW II when they were all on one island), anybody who thinks the game is pure button mashing needs to play it on God difficulty, and God of War II has better graphics than quite a few games released THIS gen, with some of the best visual design I've ever seen.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective