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elgefe02 said:
Torillian said:
oh c'mon, give El Gefe a break. Dude just puts in whatever news he can find, what makes the front page is what you guys view the most, so anything that isn't "news worthy" can simply not get as many views and fall into the news abyss.


Thanks Torilian... But I did not write the article thay are complaining. Also people dont value the effort some time.


Incorrect. I do value the effort. I want to see this site grow and succeed and thrive. I value the effort so much that I am taking time of my own to also contribute to VGChartz, by offering constructive criticism that might legitimize the newsworthiness of a piece on the front page of this site, which currently misrepresents a Black Friday promotion by presenting it as some new "Sony bundle." It relies on an anonymous email to Kotaku, which was already misinterpreted and explained poorly there, and then rewords it to an even worse form here, presenting a limited time only BB promotion as a new Sony SKU for the holidays.

For those that have not bothered reading the article, or my comments to it, here is the problem -- The synopsis is written as this:

"Seems Sony isnt taking this hodiday (sic) sitting down. They have released a new bundle just in time. This bundle consists of the 80GB PS3, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, and the movie Casino Royale. All this is priced at $399.

Confirmation comes from a Best Buy employee who emailed Kotaku . It is unknown if this bundle will only be available at Best Buy but there is no reason for Sony to limit a bundle like this to one store."

This is worded to imply Sony has released a new bundle (which they have not), that it was confirmed by a Best Buy employee (it was not, rather the promotion was 'leaked' by the BB employee who has misread the stock sheet), and then it concludes with op-ed that Sony will probably offer this bundle to other stores (which they won't, because it is not a longterm bundle, or even a Sony driven promotion). It is clearly seen in the photos that this is a constrained SKU, limited only to BB retail stores (e.g., Not online, because they don't do "doorbuster" promotions online).

See, this is a "doorbuster" special from Best Buy, available in stores only, on Friday morning only, to people that get there before 5:00am and get in a lottery (which is how BB's doorbuster promotions work), where BB has printed their own stickers to affix to a minimum of 16 boxes per brick-and-mortar store, so that you can pick up a free copy of some old stock at checkout (in this case, R&C and Casino Royale).

Or alternately, look at the following, and you'll see that no other store has this, and that, in fact, Meijer is doing their own thing with an HDMI cable and NHL2K9.

At the very least, the article title and body should be worded such that it is made clear that this is a one shot BB doorbuster promotion. There are already many comments to the article where readers have now taken that piece as scripture and presume this is a Sony bundle that will be around for awhile. I would also argue the misuse of the keyword bundle, which most interpret as a package that will be offered in perpetuity by the manufacturer -- like the MGS4 bundle, or the Uncharted bundle, or the Motorstorm bundle. This is not a bundle, it's a store promotion.

To me, that is negligent and reflects poorly on VGChartz as a news source. It's compounded when the article author also later misrepresents the Amazon promotion in the comments to imply Amazon will have the PS3 priced at $199 for Black Friday, which again does not clearly state the terms of a limited time promotion to a select group of customers (a closed pool, which nobody can enter now, because the voting on that deal is over).

Again, I'm not bashing or complaining. I am trying to offer some constructive criticism. Take it or leave it.