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bugrimmar said:
why are you so offended by news of a bundle? it's just a report of a new bundle. so what? calling the poster a fanboy because of such a small thing makes you look more like a fanboy. it's like you have something against ps3 bundles all of a sudden.

Please read the story. It is written to suggest that Sony has released a new bundle. That is not the case. This is just a Best Buy put-together Early Bird special for Black Friday. e.g., a "Doorbuster."

VGChartz has long had an image/credibility problem. When the main page has a digg'able report touting a new Sony bundle, which is not at all accurate, it contributes to that image problem. People equate "bundle" to a new Sony SKU that will be restocked over a period of time. That is not what this is. It's a one shot deal for those people who win a lottery in the wee hours of the morning outside of BB.

I am calling the BB employee that leaked the deal with pictures of the stock sheet from his camera phone a fanboy, because that's what that person is. Fanboys "leak" deals or reprint factually inaccurate information because they're so overwhelmed by the prospects of a great deal they don't bother spending five minutes on Google to double check the story. The printed ad was available online long before this thing was even posted to Kotaku.