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Even if Sony drops the PS3 early, they're not leaving the console market.

First, they won't drop it until 2010. Maybe 2011. Exclusives are coming out, they just spent god knows how much money developing Home (money sink. If they're losing money, they can't afford to waste on this stuff, no matter how cool it is).

After they do that, they will probably start work on the PS4. Sony knows how to win a gen. They've done it twice. Sony knows how to be profitable. They've done it three times. They just need to wipe the slate clean and start again much like the PS2- reasonably good hardware with killer software.

Of course, I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. Sony made a 500 million dollar profit last quarter, I don't think they're anywhere near bankruptcy.

I say if they did have to make cutbacks, Playstation would be one of the last to go. Sony Music Entertainment would probably be dumped first, followed by Sony Ericsson. But, like I said, that's only if things get extreme. This financial crisis will not last forever. It's not the Great Depression. Experts are saying it'll be over within 18 months.

And they've said from March next year, they will be more competitive with pricing. What can that mean other than a price cut?

Just take out some of the features. Like WLAN.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective