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ssj12 said:
Frankly the answer is no. I doubt M$ will lower it. Instead they will discontinue it and drop another model to $199.

Eventually both M$ and Sony will be force to a single model. Of course there will be special game bundles and crap but overall there will be only 1 single model.


my feeling exactly. though, I dont think we will see a single model from ms for two more years. sony, it could happen as soon as the next price drop. the user installable hd on sony console means in it makes less sense to offer units of different hd size being the only difference. however, if sony reintroduces a backwards compatable unit at a higher cost, it might make sense to continue the multi sku option. MS and the sealed external HD means they have to offer different sku until they get to a point where they will cap hd size, most likely 500gb. being a laptop drive really hurts MSin terms of storage size and cost vs the ps3 in the hd deparment

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minecraft name: hansrotec

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