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lolita said:
I don't really have any definite words to what I find attractive... I like black hair but someone could have an ugly face with black hair, I wouldn't be attracted to them, while someone could have brown hair and look really nice. <3

But I know what I don't like... So if the guy isn't any of those, I'll give him a chance.

Sure it is important to find the other person attractive but the personality and compatibility will be the factor that will determine if it'll work or not. So that's why the personality is the most important thing.


Moongoddess256 said:
Hmmmm I like intelligent, artistic, and pretty guys.

I think I did a pretty good job of simplifying what I like :)

To all you people who prefer chicks to shave down there... Its not good for all of us medically to shave down there :/

Stop it girls... Your making me blush... 


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)