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What fueled the rumor the second time around wasn't the stamp but an interview that spong had with ken levine. When asked about the PS3 version he replied:

"If I talk about anything outside of the Xbox 360 version, my corporate overlords will spank me. We love the 360, we love working on it and we’re not talking about any other versions right now."

Personally I am getting bioshock on the 360 but that is a pretty sly response wouldn't you admit. Besides this whole rumor started of because magazine scan and threespeech entry

Honestly..... permission is asked to post pictures up so obviously at one point in time even 2k had plans to bring this to the PS3 and dammit threespeech being wrong about Sony related products is incredibly odd. So there is actually more substance to this rumor than the MGS4 one.

I am not saying that a port would never happen. But it isn't likely. I am going to assume it falls in line why MGS3 wasn't released on the xbox even though part 2 was. Kojima himself doesn't like to make ports. He doesn't seem to be a fan of the xbox, chances are MGS4 as a port would have to see the light of day due to another team in konami's fold and I am guessing no more than a year and a half later at that.


EDIT: here is spong interview


And gebx the rating of enchanted arms is besides the fact but good job of finding the worst one ign gave it a 7.6 and it recieved 80% and more on sites like RPG fan Xboxaddict and Planet Xbox.

The high rating led me to try it out on my 360. 

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