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stovo said:
From what I have read so far most people think that PS3 will catch up to 360 but not beat Wii. Is there anyone who thinks PS3 has a chance of beating Wii? Or if Sony is so far behind that even 360 may win?

I don't think Sony deems this situation urgent. As soon as they think it is urgent, they will react. Sony have sold over 270 million consoles in 14 years. They're not going to let 360 win.

I also don't think Sony is deluded enough to think they have any chance of beating the Wii this gen. The only way for them to deal with Nintendo now is to steal from it- take the casuals back. But they're not doing that this gen. This gen, Sony is going to get second place, I'm afraid. Hopefully, they've learned a lesson from all this. A low launch price is vital for success. An excellent gaming library is almost as vital. But, everybody now knows in their heart, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo that the absolute most important part of making a successful console is to appeal to casuals.

The PS2 did this while still catering to the hardcore. And what happened? The PS2 has a better gaming library than any other console. The PS2 sold more in one gen than Nintendo sold in three. The PS2 was, by every definition of the word, a success.

Sony's done it once, they can do it again. Not this gen, but quite possibly the next. I say the purpose of the PS3 now (from a business standpoint) is to restore the Playstation name. To set up for 2012.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective