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I don't think Microsoft are quite stupid enough to cut their price again. They must be selling at a huge loss already, so the bottom row is pretty much impossible. Perhaps 0.01%

The second row is more likely, but they've just had a price cut. Another will make them seem desperate. 19.9%

The top row is, in my opinion, the most likely by far. Microsoft cannot afford to cut prices again and again. They're already selling a premium model for 300 bucks. What does it cost to manufacture, maybe 350? If they cut that by 100 bucks, they would be losing 150 dollars on every console sold. As much as they want to defeat Sony, they're not going to do that.

Remind me- how many people thought Microsoft was doomed after 37 weeks of losing to the PS3? A lot of people. Did Sony keep that lead forever? No, they did not. Although I suppose if they had to make cutbacks, Sucker Punch wouldn't be missed an awful lot.

Maybe you should make the bottom right square yellow, to show it could go either way. Sony is not leaving the console market. Really, they're not. If Microsoft makes the 360 cheaper, Sony will make the PS3 cheaper if they realise it is imperative for their console's survival. But like I said, the last row is near impossible.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective