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Sardauk said:
Kantor said:
Ronster316 said:
@ Kantor

Confusion can lead to chaos, which in turn can lead to rebellion and anarchy...... Let the chaos begin

In the end... there will be only CHAOS!

That's another reason why the PS3 will come back in 2009.


I didn't realized that the return of Kratos would be so important to the gaming nation....

So... this messia would have the difficult task to .. what... sells 3 times more than MGS4 ?

It doesn't have to sell three times more than MGS4 and there's no reason why it should. Ten million sales?

I think we can safely expect 4-5 million LTD. Look at the boost MGS4 gave to the PS3. Put it above the Wii that week. I suppose it appealed to Japan as well, but I say God of War 3 can have not quite a Halo boost, but more than a Fable II boost.

And I said another reason. Not the only reason.


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective