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windbane said:
Khuutra said:
Xen said:
Khuutra said:
Xen said:
Hype levels go up.. and up.. and up.. and up...

Please let the story and universe be on par with MP..! PLEASE!!


...? Lemme dig through your collection here....


Yeah, good luck with that one.

Meaning what, I set my standarts too high?



Yeah. I consider Metroid Prime to be one of the apexes of the entire medium, so maybe it's my standards that are too high, but I wouldn't put hope in any other first person shooter matching that one for depth of narrative (unless its title ends in "shock") you mean just Metroid Prime 1?  I played MP3 and I was not impressed at all with the narrative.  CoD4, however, has a fantastic story.

Seriously? I thought CoD4's story was an inconsequential mess. The SAS are fighting Russians while the Marines are fighting Middle Easterns, and somehow it all links to the same man, and all of the Marines die, and they're all so matter-of-fact about it that you'd think this happens every week!

That and the ending was crap. Seriously crap. One of the worst anti-climaxes I've ever seen. I hated the campaign.

I thought the excellent multiplayer was all that saved it from mediocrity. Hopefully Killzone 2 won't be like that and, like Halo, it will have a great single player and excellent multiplayer.

Also, Killzone 2 will be HUGE! This time it's not a new IP, it's got amazing graphics, it's 3D and it's an FPS. And there's no way it includes any offensive music. And it's rated M. What can go wrong now?

EDIT: And the 360 won't have a price cut to compete with it, so it should sell consoles as well!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective