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Snarf Barf said:
Squilliam said:
50% of teenagers did not buy a CD in the past year. How will that translate in a few years when the same group of people start buying movies? Its so much easier to download a movie rather than buy one. If they can't get it legitimately they will do it illegally and then they will get into the habit of never paying for movies and they've suddenly lost a whole generation of customers.

Sometimes when im feeling naughty/lazy I go to, seach for DVD rip and sort by seeders. Within 30 mins I have a DVD quality movie. It takes less time than driving 5 mins to the nearest rental place, looking for a DVD, renting it and coming back. I don't have to repeat the trip again to return said DVD.


MP3's took off immediately. But ipods with video capabilities have been around for quite some time and video downloads have not takin off.

I think most of this has to do with studios not giving up control enough with video, the poor quality of early down loads on larger screens, the limited selection (really  is it that hard to give us all of rocos modern life? its not on dvd even) 


the studios saw how much power that the music industry lost, and did not want a repeat even if it ment losing more money, though i think they are slowly coming around if the growth of the apple stores movie section is an indication


also itunes does not have a killer product for video it  will always be an also ran on the ipods ot music, and apple tv is only a modert succses they need to port itunes to xbox360, and ps3, they would make killer amounts of money. it would most likely hit the ps3 first with its more open nature, Ms wants the 360s video revenue to itself, which will only  hurt ms in the long run


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minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog