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Bboid said:

I think the whole push behind digital distribution is stupid.  If you think about it, it is just as costly, if not more, to use digital distribution.  Reasons: upgrade internet speed (if you can get broadband at all, Satellite is not broadband, sorry), storage area (ok hd's are cheap but still an incurred cost), you still need to upgrade to a HDTV if you want to watch on a large picture area with hd content, larger chance of corrupt data in transfer.   Now for another negative, no hard copy.  blu-ray prices can only come down from where they are now.  There are players available for under $200 now and there are frequent sales for TV's+blu-ray player/ps3 where essentially you get the player for free and TV is still cheap.  There are packages available right now for a 1080p 37 inch tv + ps3 for $1000.  That is not a bad price for anyone right now.

you missed some keys to digital download, most people who have bradband, already use it for other thngs, so you cant really bundle in that cost. and satalite would eb fine, as long as your not streaming, wich is more just a rental anyway. storage will only increase, one of the rules is your need will increase based on avalible storage, so really no matter how much you get it will not be enough.

also where is this data getting curupted in transfer, most of these people will use the home console, or media center. and if not that a monitor with high definition.... honestly this point is moot because you need an hd tv anyway and a device to play it. 

as for no hard copy, I keep 2 back ups of all my stuff an hd back up done incramentally which all computer users should do (I know they dont) and a disc copy stored off site incase my home burns down. also the whole reason i went digital is someone broke in and stole my dvds, and cds.... nothing else just those it pissed me of and though  i was paid back the 2.5 grand that they stole i  went digita to protect my  investment. 


with disks you also have to worry about scratches, and rot.... disk rot sucks. 

something that must be very worrying to blueray is apple lack of support, with them being on the board of blueray and all and not pushing it. steve jobs speaking out saying blue ray is not something worth doing anything about... that hurts even more given his power at disney, there he could effect blueray rollout, and keep it minimal ... 


and your final point, your pushing blueray to sell ps3s, here we are talking about blueray having issues making something of itself in the future, not sales for players and tvs this christmas



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